

Common options

Common options can be used with any command.

  • -c/--connection CONNECTION - Use another connection than the default.
  • -n/--workers WORKERS - Use WORKERS threads to run the queries (default: 4).
  • --use-process - Use processes instead of threads.
  • --config CONFIG - Config file to use (default: data_check.yml).
  • --quiet - Do not print any output.
  • --verbose - Print verbose output.
  • --traceback - Print traceback output for debugging.
  • --log LOGFILE - Write output to a log file.
  • --version - Show the version and exit.
  • --help - Show this message and exit.


run executes checks against a database. It is the default command and can be omitted.


  • --print - Print failed results data.
  • --print-format FORMAT - Format for printing failed results (csv (default), pandas, json).
  • --print-json - Shortcut for "--print --print-format json".
  • --diff - Print only the different columns for failed results. Use with --print.


  • data_check run - Run data_check against the default connection in the checks folder.
  • data_check - Same as data_check run
  • data_check run some_folder - Run data_check against the default connection in the some_folder folder.
  • data_check run some_folder/some_file.sql - Run data_check against the default connection for a single test.
  • data_check run --print - Run data_check against the default connection in the checks folder and prints all failed result data.
  • data_check run --print --diff some_folder - Run data_check against the default connection in the some_folder folder and prints only the different columns for failed results.


init creates a new data_check project or a pipeline.


  • -p/--pipeline - create a pipeline instead of a project.


  • data_check init new_project - Creates a folder new_project if it doesn't exists yet and a sample data_check.yml inside it.
  • data_check init . - Creates a sample data_check.yml inside the current folder, it it doesn't exists yet.
  • data_check init --pipeline new_pipeline - Creates a folder new_pipeline if it doesn't exists yet and a sample data_check_pipeline.yml inside it.
  • data_check init -p . - Creates a sample data_check_pipeline.yml inside the current folder, it it doesn't exists yet.


fake generates test data for existing tables and writes it into CSV files. The configuration file is described in Test data.


  • -o/--output PATH - Output path for the CSV file.
  • --force - Overwrite existing files.


  • data_check fake fake_config.yml - Generates test data as defined in fake_config.yml and writes it into a CSV file with the same name as the table name.
  • data_check fake fake_config.yml --output fake.csv - Generates test data as defined in fake_config.yml and writes it into fake.csv.
  • data_check fake fake_config.yml --force - Generates test data as defined in fake_config.yml, overwrites existing CSV files.
  • data_check fake fake_config.yml fake_config2.yml - Generates test data for both config files.


gen generates the expectation files (CSV).


  • --force - Overwrite existing files.


  • data_check gen - Generates all missing expectation files in the checks folder.
  • data_check gen --force some_folder - Generates and overwrites all expectation files in the some_folder folder.


load is used to load data from files (CSV or Excel) into database tables. By default it will load into a table with the same name as the file and truncate the table before loading. If the table does not exists, it will create the table with a column definition guessed from the file content.


  • --table - Table name to load data into
  • --mode - How to load the table: truncate (default), append or replace.


  • data_check load some_path/schema.table.csv - Truncates the table schema.table and loads the csv from some_path/schema.table.csv into the table.
  • data_check load --table schema.other_table some_path/schema.table.csv - Same as above but uses the table schema.other_table. Only works for a single CSV/Excel file.
  • data_check load --mode append some_path/schema.table.csv - Loads the csv from some_path/schema.table.csv into the table, appends only without touching the existing data in the table.
  • data_check load --mode replace some_path/schema.table.csv - Drops and recreates the table schema.table and loads the csv from some_path/schema.table.csv into the table.
  • data_check load some_path/schema.table.csv other_path/schema2.other_table.csv - Loads multiple tables from multiple files.
  • data_check load some_path - Loads all CSV/Excel files from some_path each into the same table as the file name.


append is an alias for load --mode append.


  • --table - Table name to load data into


See load examples.


ping tries to connect to the database. The exit code is 0 if it successful, otherwise it is 1. With --wait ping will retry to connect to the database until the timeout is reached.


  • --wait - retry and wait until timeout is reached
  • --timeout SECONDS - timeout for wait in seconds (default: 5)
  • --retry SECONDS - retry for wait in seconds (default: 1)


  • data_check ping - Tries to connect to the default database.
  • data_check ping --connection test2 - Tries to connect to the database with the connection test2.
  • data_check ping --quiet - Tries to connect to the default database. Doesn't print anything.
  • data_check ping --wait - Tries to connect to the default database for 5 seconds, retrying each second.
  • data_check ping --wait --timeout 60 - Tries to connect to the default database for 60 seconds, retrying each second.
  • data_check ping --wait --timeout 60 --retry 5 - Tries to connect to the default database for 60 seconds, retrying each 5 seconds.


sql runs any SQL query/command against the database. The query can be passed as an argument or from a file. The result of the query can be written into a CSV file.


  • --file, --file - Run any SQL script in a list of SQL files.
  • -o/--output PATH - Output path for the result.
  • -W/--write-check PATH - Create a check from the sql statement (SQL and CSV file).


  • data_check sql "select * from some.table" - Runs the given query against the default database connection.
  • data_check sql --connection test2 "select * from some.table" - Runs the given query against the database connection for test2.
  • data_check sql --file some/file.sql - Runs the query in the file against the default database connection.
  • data_check sql --files some/path - Runs the queries from all SQL files in some/path against the default database connection. The queries are run in parallel, the order is random.
  • data_check sql --workers 1 --files some/path - Runs the queries from all SQL files in some/path against the default database connection. The queries are run sequentially ordered by the path/file name.

Exit codes

Possible exit codes:

Exit code 0: All tests run successfully.
Exit code 1: At least one test failed.


--log will write the output to a log file and to the console. With --quiet the output will only be printed to the log file. If the file exists, the output will be appended.

You can also set the log file in data_check.yml:

log: logfile.txt

Failed results and tracebacks are always written to the log file, even when the parameters --print and --traceback are not used.

Environment variables

The environment variable DATA_CHECK_CONNECTION can be used to override the default connection.

The precedence is: 1. Value from CLI 2. Value from environment variables 3. Default values (from the config file)